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 American Moon

Il nuovo documentario
di Massimo Mazzucco
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Massimo Mazzucco (English Bio)


Filmmaker/ Screenwriter/ Journalist. No political affiliations.

Arguably one of the foremost 9/11 "truthers" in his country, award-winnning filmmaker Massimo Mazzucco is also the editor of, a popular Italian news website that grew out of his investigation on 9/11. Currently the website covers all the most important issues at stake in the new millennium, from Big Pharma to world economics, from illegal aerosols ("chemtrails") to alternative energy.

After an early career as a successful fashion photographer (portfolio), Mazzucco wrote and directed several feature films, both in Europe and the United States. After 9/11 he chose to turn all his efforts to documentaries in the digital format, releasing them on DVD and on-line. (Filmography).

Mazzucco’s “Inganno Globale” (Global Deceit - 2005), is a documentary exposing the major faults in the 9/11 official story. It was broadcast on Italian TV (Berlusconi’s Canale 5) in 2006, serving as a platform for a full-fledged national debate which made Italy the only country to date to have thoroughly discussed 9/11 in the mainstream media.

Mazzucco also participated in several television debates, presenting the Italian audience with the most up-to-date findings of the 9/11Truth Movement.

His second documentary on 9/11, “The New American Century” (2007), covers the political and historical aspects of the alleged “inside job,” and in particular the history of the neocons.

Hear some excerpts from Mazzucco's interview about "The New American Century" on KPFK - Los Angeles. Sept. 23, 2009

The New American Century” was presented at the 2008 Sao Paulo Film Festival in Brazil and other European Film Festivals. Supported by world famous filmmakers such as Costa-Gavras, Wim Wenders, and Ken Loach, “The New American Century” premiered in the US at the 2009 Oakland 9/11 Film Festival. (Film TRAILER and INFO).

Mazzucco has also produced a documentary on the RFK assassination, which was broadcast on Italian TV on June, 2008, and a documentary on UFO's (2009), focusing on the military cover-up since the 1950's.

In 2010 Mazzucco released Cancer: the Forbidden Cures, a documentary that reveals a long history of cover-ups on many apparently effective cures against cancer.

His most recent documentary is "The True History of Marijuana” (2011), which exposes the world-wide conspiracy, led by the petrolchemical industry, that has outlawed one of the most useful plants known to mankind..

Mazzucco is currently working on a new documentary on 9/11 called "Best Evidence - 10 years of public investigation on 9/11," which will summarize the results obtained in the last 10 years by the so-called 9/11 Truth Movement worldwide.

Mazzucco has also written a book on 9/11, and one on the RFK/JFK assassinations.

CONTACT: (please replace "AT" with the proper symbol).

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