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   9/11 - World Trade Center
   Hallo - this is truthfinder pony_huetchen from germany

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Re: Hallo - this is truthfinder pony_huetchen from germany
Iscritto il: 8/3/2004
Messaggi: 19594
Hello Pony_huetchen.

To answer your questions, Henry62 belongs to the "bunch of Italian debunkers" mentioned in our article. They all revolve around one Paolo Attivissimo, an informatics expert who sells himself as an urban legends hunter of sorts. Too bad he has failed to pick up on the biggest one of all.

Other names of the clan you may eventually bump into, while surfing Italian websites, are JB and Aribandus. They are just all clones of one another.

Just to give you an idea of their positions, on this day they still maintain that WTC7 collapsed on its own (and I guess they will for the rest of their lives, at this point).

Don't get me wrong, though: They are not THAT stupid, it's just a political choice they have made, as they seem to believe that for the sake of "social tranquillity" our governments should never be challenged -- period. Call them plain conservatives if you wish. I call them the first victims of a system that deludes them into thinking they actually have some privileges to protect from the "masses." As if they were not part of it.

So now, in order to keep face they are forced to appear every day more ridiculous, by continuing to deny even the undeniable with the most contorted reasoning. Believe me, Pony, I don't know how strong your stomach is, but you have no idea how lucky you are not to understand Italian!

Thanks for your visit.

Massimo Mazzucco

If you wish to post my reply on the 911 blogger as well please feel free to do so.
Inviato il: 2/5/2007 21:41
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     Re: Hallo - this is truthfinder pony_huetchen from germany PikeBishop 2/5/2007 15:39
       Re: Hallo - this is truthfinder pony_huetchen from germany pony_huetc 2/5/2007 16:07
         Re: Hallo - this is truthfinder pony_huetchen from germany Pausania 2/5/2007 16:13
         Re: Hallo - this is truthfinder pony_huetchen from germany PikeBishop 2/5/2007 16:15
           Re: Hallo - this is truthfinder pony_huetchen from germany pony_huetc 2/5/2007 16:54
             Re: Hallo - this is truthfinder pony_huetchen from germany rivers 2/5/2007 18:04
               Re: Hallo - this is truthfinder pony_huetchen from germany Pausania 2/5/2007 18:30
                 Re: Hallo - this is truthfinder pony_huetchen from germany rivers 2/5/2007 21:09
                   Re: Hallo - this is truthfinder pony_huetchen from germany Redazione 2/5/2007 21:41
                     Pony - the debunker chaser :-) pony_huetc 4/5/2007 0:56
     Re: Hallo - this is truthfinder pony_huetchen from germany Tubo 4/5/2007 2:16
       Greetings from Columbia, Md. in the USA SaiGirl 16/9/2007 17:00
         Re: Greetings from Columbia, Md. in the USA Redazione 17/9/2007 15:14
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