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Iscritto il: 27/7/2005
Da Perugia
Messaggi: 1774
"Rubicon è una serie televisiva statunitense di genere drammatico, che va in onda sul canale televisivo via cavo AMC a partire dal 1º agosto 2010. In Italia la serie verrà trasmessa su Joi dal 28 ottobre 2010."

New York. L'analista in un agenzia di informazione governativa Will Travers, sconvolto anni prima dalla morte della moglie e della figlia negli attentati dell'11 settembre, scopre, a partire da strane coincidenze contenute in alcuni cruciverba, l'esistenza di una cospirazione ordita da una società segreta, che ha l'obiettivo di manipolare eventi mondiali su larga scala.

Queste le descrizioni direttamente da wikipedia.
Un mio commento:
Mi sono letteralmente bevuto l'intera serie nel giro di un week end.
Molte ben girata, a volte un po lenta, ma di quella lentezza che sembra arrivare direttamente dai film impegnati anni '70 come Tutti gli uomini del presidente o I tre giorni del Condor.
La serie prende da subito una piega "complottista" molto Holliwoodiana e crea un certo fastidio in chi, come me, tende ad astrarre e cerca di avere un quadro generale delle cose.
Le cose però si fanno molto interessanti con il proseguire degli eventi fino ad arrivare ad un metaplot intelligente e molto intrigante che ben si adatta a quella che a me sembra la realtà del potere e dei suoi funzionamenti.
Molto ben sviluppati i personaggi, specialmente quelli negativi, con l'intelligente capacità di mostrarne gli aspetti più deleteri senza però scadere nel "megacattivone" genio del male, ma piuttosto nel banale gioco del profitto e del potere fatto da esseri umani, sebbene non normale gente della strada.
Consiglio vivamente a tutti la visione di questi meravigliosi 13 episodi.
Una perla davvero, scoperta per caso. Buone le speranze di un rinnovo per la seconda stagione, anche se, a mio modesto parere, è perfetta così com'è.


Will Travers (James Badge Dale):
A brilliant man with a knack for pattern recognition, he is the team leader for a group of API analysts the story follows. His wife and daughter were killed in the World Trade Center during the September 11 attacks—an appointment Will was late for—and the tragedy keeps him distant from other characters. He discovers a pattern in a newspaper's crossword puzzle, which is dismissed as meaningless, but gains the attention of his supervisors at API. After the death of his mentor and father-in-law, David Hadas, he is promoted to David's old position as team leader and finds himself slowly unraveling a major conspiracy.
Katherine Rhumor (Miranda Richardson):
The wife of businessman Tom Rhumor, she was left a widow following her husband's suicide. Determined to understand her husband's recent suicide, she turns to his best friend for help. Upon realizing that he cannot be trusted, she is forced to investigate her husband's death on her own.
Kale Ingram (Arliss Howard):
[ex operativo della CIA.. personaggio molto intenso ed intrigante, anche se un po' forse è questo il bello]
Will's mysterious supervisor at API. He has tasked Maggie with reporting on Will and the rest of his team, and is in regular contact with Spangler. His actions are cryptic as he guides Will through his early days as team leader. Although it is hinted that he appears to be involved in the conspiracy, he also helps Will by providing him with leads in his investigation, and warning him that his home and office are bugged. Although he is very secretive about his personal life and past, he invites Will to have dinner with him and his apparently live-in boyfriend at home. He mentions on two occasions he was formerly CIA "black ops", and involved in a series of assassinations in Beirut in the 1980s.
Margaret "Maggie" Young (Jessica Collins):
Will's assistant. She appears to be romantically interested in Will, but has been unable to break through his emotional distance and attract his interest. She has a daughter named Sophie, and is estranged from her husband, though he is attempting to reconcile with his daughter. She is trying to help Will, but also works for Kale delivering information about Will and his team. Eventually, Kale recognizes that her feelings for Will could compromise the information she provides, and he tells Will that she has been spying on him. Will, who was on the verge of asking her out, confronts Maggie and refuses to work with her any longer, though Kale assures Maggie she will remain at API.
Miles Fiedler (Dallas Roberts): [meravigliosa caratterizzazione]
A member of Will's team. While an MIT graduate with a genius-level IQ, he is the most distracted and nervous member of the team, with a fixation on conspiracies. He is recently separated from his wife and children, but has kept the truth from his coworkers. He respects Will as a boss, and clashes frequently with Grant.
Grant Test (Christopher Evan Welch):
The oldest member of Will's team, he resents being passed over as team leader in favor of Will. He clashes frequently with Miles and Tanya, using his seniority to bully the two on occasion. He is married with two children; the marriage is heavily strained by the demands of his job.
Tanya MacGaffin (Lauren Hodges):
The newest member of Will's team. She is the least experienced and consequently the most insecure, but very intelligent and also the most ambitious. She appears to have a drinking problem, regularly coming to work hungover and keeping small bottles of vodka in her desk. Kale is made aware of the problem by Maggie, and he passes that information to Will. She also has problems with substance abuse which comes to the attention of Spangler, after she fails to pass a biweekly urine test. Instead of being fired, as she feared, Spangler reassures her that the agency takes care of its own and offers her the help of a special drug rehab facility set up for "the intelligence community".
Ed Bancroft (Roger Robinson):
A former API analyst, who retired when "the codes cracked him" according to Will. Although retired he remained a long-time friend of David, and was still updated about the events at API. After David's death he begins to help Will solve the mystery surrounding David's death.
Truxton Spangler (Michael Cristofer):
[Il cattivo...una assoluta meraviglia secondo me]
The head of API, Spangler is zealously devoted to maintaining the institute's independence from the government. He is in regular contact with Kale, and supports his decision to appoint Will as the new head of the team, later bringing Will to a series of meetings in Washington, D.C. to defend API's sovereignty. He is shown to be involved in the conspiracy, with ties to both Tom Rhumor's company Atlas Macdowell and the men hired to follow Will.
David Hadas (Peter Gerety):
Will's father-in-law and the original head of Will's team. He is preoccupied with superstitions and numerology, particularly bad luck and the number 13. After showing the crossword puzzle to Kale, he is killed in a commuter rail accident, an accident Will suspects was arranged to murder David.
In nomine libertatis vincula edificamus.
In nomine veritatis mendacia efferimus.
Inviato il: 22/10/2010 15:10
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     Re: Rubicon Calvero 22/10/2010 17:01
       Re: Rubicon infosauro 22/10/2010 21:26
       Re: Rubicon Sertes 22/10/2010 18:08
         Re: Rubicon Calvero 22/10/2010 18:14
           Re: Rubicon Lestaat 22/10/2010 22:10
             Re: Rubicon Pyter 22/10/2010 22:14
               Re: Rubicon Lestaat 22/10/2010 22:26
                 Re: Rubicon Paxtibi 24/10/2010 13:20
                   Re: Rubicon blu23 25/10/2010 23:06
                     Re: Rubicon Lestaat 26/10/2010 10:36
                       Re: Rubicon Pyter 27/10/2010 18:18
                         Re: Rubicon blu23 29/10/2010 16:03
                           Re: Rubicon LoneWolf58 29/10/2010 19:09
                             Re: Rubicon sitchinite 30/10/2010 20:25
                               Re: Rubicon Pyter 2/11/2010 17:38
                                 Re: Rubicon blu23 4/11/2010 21:45
                                   Re: Rubicon dr_julius 5/11/2010 22:04
                               Re: Rubicon breakdown 31/10/2010 10:44
                                 Re: Rubicon blu23 1/11/2010 11:23
                           Re: Rubicon soulsaver 29/10/2010 17:10
                     Re: Rubicon Luxio 26/10/2010 10:33
                 Re: Rubicon Pyter 23/10/2010 20:49
           Re: Rubicon sitchinite 22/10/2010 20:54
             Re: Rubicon Calvero 24/10/2010 0:34
               Re: Rubicon Pyter 24/10/2010 12:38
           Re: Rubicon blu23 22/10/2010 18:17
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