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   Fonti e prove di alcune asserzioni

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  •  goldstein
Re: Fonti e prove di alcune asserzioni
Dubito ormai di tutto
Iscritto il: 4/11/2004
Messaggi: 2827
1) 911 timeline
August 6, 2001: Suspicious Trading of Companies Affected by 9/11 May Begin by This Date
September 6-10, 2001: Suspicious Trading of Put Option Contracts on American and United Airlines Occur
September 6-10, 2001: Suspicious Trading on Stocks of Two Large WTC Tenants
September 14, 2001: Deutsche Bank Exec Resigns, Prompting Speculations of 9/11 Connection

2) Il processo e' durato anni proprio per quello: per stabilire se gli eventi terroristici fossero stati uno singolo o due separati...
Infatti, secondo il riassunto di wikipedia:
In addition, the Silverstein group sued the insurers liable for the World Trade Center for another three and a half billion dollars, claiming that by an obscure clause in their contract, the two planes constituted two separate terrorist attacks.:

Inoltre c'e' questa chicca di Hareetz, che tra una tirata sull'antisemitismo ed un'altra, si fa spesso scappare delle informazioni interessanti.

"Six weeks before the terrorist attack in New York, Larry Silverstein leased the Twin Towers for 99 years, paying $3 billion."

" Shortly after the events of September 11, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon called Larry Silverstein, a Jewish real estate magnate in New York, the owner of the World Trade Center's 110-story Twin Towers and a close friend, to ask how he was. Since then they have spoken a few more times. Two former prime ministers - Benjamin Netanyahu, who this week called Silverstein a "friend," and Ehud Barak, whom Silverstein in the past offered a job as his representative in Israel - also called soon after the disaster. Yaakov Terner, the mayor of Be'er Sheva, sent a letter of condolence."

"Many Israeli politicians are acquainted in one degree or another with the 70-year-old Silverstein. For 10 years, he tried to bring about the establishment of a free-trade zone in the Negev, until the project fell apart. "This is a tragedy," Silverstein, deeply disappointed, said then. "

"Silverstein has ties of various kinds in Israel. He is a donor to Tel Aviv University and to the Tel Aviv development foundation. He held a few fundraising events at his home in New York for the foundation with the participation of the then-mayor of Tel Aviv, Roni Milo."

"The Israeli political world got to know Silverstein when he tried to create a free-trade zone in the country. He became friendly with Yitzhak Rabin, Benjamin Netanyahu, Ehud Barak and Ariel Sharon."

"The two have been on friendly terms since Netanyahu's stint as Israel's ambassador to the United Nations. For years they kept in close touch. Every Sunday afternoon, New York time, Netanyahu would call Silverstein. It made no difference what the subject was or where Netanyahu was, he would always call, Silverstein told an Israeli acquaintance. Their ties continued after Netanyahu became prime minister. They met several times and Netanyahu promised to give the project his support. "

A proposito: il povero Larry verrà premiato a Yale il 3/22.
Le solite buffe e fortuite coincidenze...

3) Berg Lawsuit p.45

4) ancora 911 timeline:

June 1, 2001: New Policy: Only Defense Secretary May Approve Fighter Jet Launch
According to the New York Observer and government documents, the procedure for dealing with hijackings within the United States changes on this date. It requires that, with the exception of “immediate responses,̶1; requests for military assistance must be forwarded to the defense secretary (Donald Rumsfeld) for approval. Rumsfeld later claims that protection against a domestic terrorist attack is not his responsibility; it is instead “a law-enforcement issue.̶1; [Department of Defense, 6/1/01; CJCSI, 7/31/97; New York Observer, 6/17/04]

E tieni pure questa visto che ci sei..
Armed-pilot rule nixed after hijack briefing
Agency removed cockpit gun right despite July al-Qaida warning

The Federal Aviation Administration rescinded a rule allowing commercial airline pilots to be armed the same month it received a classified briefing that Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida network may be planning hijackings of U.S. airliners.

As WorldNetDaily reported Thursday, an FAA spokesman confirmed that its armed-pilot rule, which was adopted in 1961 in response to the Cuban missile crisis, was repealed in July 2001 – just two months before the Sept. 11 attacks – because in 40 years' time, not a single U.S. airline took advantage of it.

"In the past, FAA regulations permitted pilots to carry firearms in the cockpit provided they completed an FAA-approved training program and were trained properly by the airlines," FAA spokesman Paul Takemoto told WND. "That was never put into effect because no requests for those training programs were ever made."
Inviato il: 6/3/2006 10:16
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     Re: Fonti e prove di alcune asserzioni goldstein 6/3/2006 10:16
     Re: Fonti e prove di alcune asserzioni Max_Piano 6/3/2006 11:04
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