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   Transcript: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confesses 9/11 role

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Re: Transcript: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confesses 9/11 role
Mi sento vacillare
Iscritto il: 30/11/2006
Messaggi: 493
Incollo anche un articolo di Robert Baer su

L'articolo è intitolato non a caso, "Perchè la confessione di Khalid Sheikh Mohammed suona falsa".

Chi è Robert Baer? Un operativo della CIA che ha passato 20 anni dietro in medio oriente, sopratutto in Libano, ma anche Iraq.


Thursday, Mar. 15, 2007
Why KSM's Confession Rings False
By Robert Baer

It's hard to tell what the Pentagon's objective really is in releasing the transcript of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's confession. It certainly suggests the Administration is trying to blame KSM for al-Qaeda terrorism, leading us to believe we've caught the master terrorist and that al-Qaeda, and especially the ever-elusive bin Laden, is no longer a threat to the U.S.

But there is a major flaw in that marketing strategy. On the face of it, KSM, as he is known inside the government, comes across as boasting, at times mentally unstable. It's also clear he is making things up. I'm told by people involved in the investigation that KSM was present during Wall Street Journal correspondent Danny Pearl's execution but was in fact not the person who killed him. There exists videotape footage of the execution that minimizes KSM's role. And if KSM did indeed exaggerate his role in the Pearl murder, it raises the question of just what else he has exaggerated, or outright fabricated.

Just as importantly, there is an absence of collateral evidence that would support KSM's story. KSM claims he was "responsible for the 9/11 operation from A-Z." Yet he has omitted details that would support his role. For instance, one of the more intriguing mysteries is who recruited and vetted the fifteen Saudi hijackers, the so-called "muscle." The well-founded suspicion is that Qaeda was running a cell inside the Kingdom that spotted these young men and forwarded them to al-Qaeda. KSM and al-Qaeda often appear bumbling, but they would never have accepted recruits they couldn't count on. KSM does not offer us an answer as to how this worked.

KSM has also not offered evidence of state support to al-Qaeda, though there is good evidence there was, even at a low level. KSM himself was harbored by a member of Qatar's royal family after he was indicted in the U.S. for the Bojinka plot — a plan to bomb twelve American airplanes over the Pacific. KSM and al-Qaeda also received aid from supporters in Pakistan, quite possibly from sympathizers in the Pakistani intelligence service. KSM provides no details that would suggest we are getting the full story from him.

Although he claims to have been al-Qaeda's foreign operations chief, he has offered no information about European networks. Today, dozens of investigations are going on in Great Britain surrounding the London tube bombings on July 7, 2005. Yet KSM apparently knew nothing about these networks or has not told his interrogators about them.

The fact is al-Qaeda is too smart to put all of its eggs in one basket. It has not and does not have a field commander, the role KSM has arrogated. It works on the basis of "weak links," mounting terrorist operations by bringing in people on an ad hoc basis, and immediately disbanding the group afterwards.

Until we hear more, the mystery of who KSM is and what he was responsible for is still a mystery.

Robert Baer, a former CIA field officer assigned to the Middle East, is the author of See No Evil and, most recently, the novel Blow the House Down.
Inviato il: 16/3/2007 4:54
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     Re: Transcript: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confesses 9/11 role Santro 15/3/2007 7:37
     Re: Transcript: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confesses 9/11 role gubbo 15/3/2007 9:21
       Re: Transcript: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confesses 9/11 role rdnzl 15/3/2007 10:36
       Re: Transcript: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confesses 9/11 role rdnzl 15/3/2007 11:22
         Re: Transcript: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confesses 9/11 role hi-speed 15/3/2007 11:41
           Re: Transcript: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confesses 9/11 role Det.Conan 15/3/2007 12:09
             Re: Transcript: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confesses 9/11 role hi-speed 15/3/2007 12:15
               Re: Transcript: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confesses 9/11 role Wintermute 15/3/2007 12:24
               Re: Transcript: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confesses 9/11 role francesco7 15/3/2007 12:26
                 Re: Transcript: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confesses 9/11 role Ashoka 15/3/2007 13:07
                 Re: Transcript: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confesses 9/11 role Det.Conan 15/3/2007 13:08
                   Re: Transcript: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confesses 9/11 role hi-speed 15/3/2007 14:28
                   Re: Transcript: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confesses 9/11 role drejer 15/3/2007 14:35
                     Re: Transcript: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confesses 9/11 role Tuttle 15/3/2007 16:06
                       Re: Transcript: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confesses 9/11 role goldstein 15/3/2007 16:40
                         Re: Transcript: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confesses 9/11 role cocis 15/3/2007 21:55
                         Re: Transcript: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confesses 9/11 role rivers 16/3/2007 4:35
                           Re: Transcript: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confesses 9/11 role rivers 16/3/2007 4:54
                           Re: Transcript: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confesses 9/11 role javaseth 16/3/2007 16:56
                             Re: Transcript: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confesses 9/11 role Kirbmarc 16/3/2007 17:58
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