Re: Ufo, svelato rapporto top secret "Non esistono, non ci sono prove"

Inviato da  Paxtibi il 9/9/2006 14:10:54
Sinceramente, non credo che sia utile né interessante trasferire in questo forum le beghe interne dell'ufologia italiana, risolvetevele tra di voi via mail, piuttosto.

Dischi volanti? No: fresbee letali!

Robotic Frisbees of Death


But the Air Force thinks it might have an answer to this most vexing problem in counter-insurgency: frisbees.

Not just any frisbees, mind you. Robotic frisbees. Heavily armed robotic frisbees.

The Air Force recently tapped Triton Systems, out of Chelmsford, Mass, to develop such a "Modular Disc-Wing Urban Cruise Munition."

"The 3-D maneuverability of the Frisbee-UAV [unammned aerial vehicle] will provide revolutionary tactical access and lethality against hostiles hiding in upper story locations and/or defiladed behind obstacles," the company promises.

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