Re: Critica definitiva a chi crede allesistenza degli alieni (o meglio alla versione complottistica

Inviato da  Calvero il 1/7/2007 18:22:00

Paxtibi ha scritto:
Un altro post molto interessante di Jeff Wells:

Are You Being Served?

They gathered once a week for seances and readings from Af Klint, who later ventured off on her own and produced a series of incredible paintings from 1906 to about 1916 based on the messages she claimed to have received. Just before her death in 1946, she requested that the works not be exhibited publicly until at least 20 years after her death. One of the received messages said "Protect your drawings. They are pictures of drenching waves of ether that await you one day when your ears and eyes can apprehend a higher summons."

One work in particular resonates with this alien DNA argument. Entitled "What A Human Being Is," it depicts a twisted double strand that looks remarkably like a DNA molecule. This was almost 50 years before Francis Crick and James Watson won the Nobel prize for the discovery. Aliens talking? Remote Viewing? These sorts of "coincidences" are just the sort of thing that orthodox Ufologists routinely ignore, to their peril.

"What a Human Being Is" - ca. 1910

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