Re: Film e propaganda...

Inviato da  Pyter il 10/11/2011 23:12:16

Die Rothschilds. Aktien auf Waterloo (1940) aka The RothschildsA purportedly “historical” account of the Rothschild family’s rise to fortune, set mostly in Great Britain during the Napoleonic wars, the movie reflected a wildly ambitious racial-political agenda. Beyond its indictment of “Jewish” intrigue and avarice, The Rothschilds aimed to show the “Judafication” of British society at Rothschild hands, and thus demonstrate why, in Joseph Goebbels’ words, Britons had become “the Jews among Aryans.” . . . With its striking juxtaposition of Nazi social criticism and racial theory, its twin assaults upon Jewish and British character, and its deft recycling of many key myths surrounding the House of Rothschild, this film deserves far more notoriety than has been its due. Directed by Erich Waschneck; Music by Johannes Müller; featuring Carl Kulmann, Hilde Weissner and Giesela Uhlen.

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