Re: Un altro complottista fifone si dilegua

Inviato da  Tuttle il 23/6/2011 15:02:03
certo certo...

Craig Ranke: now was this office located um perhaps in the centre of the Navy Annex or more towards the north side, the Arlington cemetery side, or the south side, that would be the Columbia Pike side?

Albert Hemphill: umm more towards the cemetery side .... if you look at the Navy Annex now and you look at Wing 7 if you look at the top most floor ..... OK if you look at the top floor at the very end on the cemetery side - that is Pat O'Riley's office, that's the general who runs the place now and if you count 1,2,3,4,5 ... about 8 windows, 9 windows over that would be the 8.1

Craig Ranke: so towards the centre but more towards the north side of the building?

Albert Hemphill: yeah pretty much.

Ranke: are you saying he was off to the side of the Navy Annex, or ...

Hemphill: yeah, he would have been over my right shoulder

Ranke: but you saw the fuselage appear, was it directly over the top of the Navy Annex or ...

Hemphill: right over the top

Ranke: when you saw it pass the gas station, which side of the gas station was it on, was it on the Arlington Cemetery or north side or else perhaps the south side, the other side?

Hemphill: you know it's hard to say, it looked like it went right over the top .....

Ranke: would you say, if you had to say it was leaning towards one side or the other of the gas station, perhaps a portion of the plane, did it look directly over the top or what do you think?

Hemphill: yeah, I'd say more towards the cemetery side.

Poi arriva Jeff e malgrado una pessima intervista, tutta incentrata sul tentativo di condizionare Hemphill (confondendolo pesantemente...)...hemphil dice:

Hemphill: Okay. I would put it uh slightly inb [word trails off] I, I would put it in between that uh more over the, the gas station uh I think the official flight, flight path looks pretty damn close to what I saw.

Jeff: So you would be more consistent with the uh official flight path (that Hill handed to him on a plate) rather than the so-called north of Citgo flight path that they’re uh trying to say?

Hemphill: Yeah. [unintelligible] That just. It didn’t. There’s just no way! It came, it looked like it went over the gas station!

Jeff: Yeah. Well. If you [unintelligible] From what I’m looking at the picture, if you’re looking at the gas station, that would be over to your left. And then if you look

Hemphill: Citazione:
No, the gas station would be to my right.

Jeff: It would be to your right?

Hemphill: Yep!

Notare come Jeff cerchi di confondere Hemphill spostando continuamente i punti di riferimento (sposta l'attribuzione del soggetto dal citgo all'aereo) e facendo leva sulla flight path ufficiale per convincerlo a spostare il suo ricordo il più possibile verso il corridoio dei danni meccanici.

Malgrado questo circo, in cui Hemphill incappa parzialmente, Jeff non riesce nell'intento di screditare il testimone. Anche se hemphill è un po patacca e l'ho sempre detto. Ha sempre cercato, nel tempo, di modificare il suo resoconto ma senza avere mai il coraggio di renderlo definitivamente coerente con il corridoio dei danni meccanici.

Hemphill rimane un testimone NoC. Aereo sopra la annex, verso il cimitero o sopra il CITGO.

Niente testimonianza dei pali abbattuti.
Niente testimonianza della rotta dritta a sud della navy annex

In nessun caso l'aereo poteva essere percepito sopra la annex e sopra il citgo. Non certamente dalla sua posizione.

Riprova. Sarai più fortunato....

PS: qualcuno spieghi a Tubo che la Columbia Pike è quella strada che curva a Nord del CITGO....

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