Re: Un altro complottista fifone si dilegua

Inviato da  Sertes il 23/6/2011 14:52:13

Ranke: are you saying he was off to the side of the Navy Annex, or ...
Hemphill: yeah, he would have been over my right shoulder
Ranke: but you saw the fuselage appear, was it directly over the top of the Navy Annex or ...
Hemphill: right over the top

Ranke: when you saw it pass the gas station, which side of the gas station was it on, was it on the Arlington Cemetery or north side or else perhaps the south side, the other side?
Hemphill: you know it's hard to say, it looked like it went right over the top .....
Ranke: would you say, if you had to say it was leaning towards one side or the other of the gas station, perhaps a portion of the plane, did it look directly over the top or what do you think?
Hemphill: yeah, I'd say more towards the cemetery side.

L'aereo č passato sopra la Navy Annex e sopra la Citgo (pių verso nord che verso sud).

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