Re: Mysterious Deaths of 911 Witnesses

Inviato da  Lezik85 il 1/3/2010 11:54:11
Ho 2 curiosità:ma che fine hanno fatto queste fantomatiche incredibili foto di Cristopher Landis e che fine ha fatto il cameraman John Del Giorno?

1) A tal proposito sarebbe utile vedere il documentario "The Pentacon".

2) Che io sappia è tutt'ora in vita, ma molto reticente verso ogni forma di intervista. Come dimostra questo tentativo di un giornalista canadese:

shure: You were in the news chopper 7 on the day of 9/11, right?

j delgiorno: Yes

shure: Ok, were you working the camera? (brief moment of silence) The reason why I am sking you is I am doing an aniversary story on 9/11 for the up comming aniversary.

j delgiorno: Ok

shure: 'Cause you guys were the only ones to capture the second hit on video right?

j delgiorno: Right, right. Now are you doing this for a station, or ..

shure: No I live in Canada and I am just doing for a paper over here.

j delgiorno: Oh, Ok.

shure: Um, I was just wondering, so you were the camera man at the time?

j delgiorno: Yes, I was the reporter and the camera operator.

shure: And who was the pilot on that day? Was it Mike Dylan?

j delgiorno: I am in the middle of something, I'm gonna give you a call back.

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