Re: 9/11 TV Fakery

Inviato da  Paxtibi il 2/10/2006 19:08:52
Sempre dal sito

People either "get that" or they don't. Those who don't, keep getting hung up on the speed of the plane - thinking if a weaker object hits a stronger object fast enough, not only can it overcome it - it will remain completely intact.

So the next time I find myself barreling toward a steel building in my car, I have to remember to hit the gas, so my car won't get damaged until I'm inside the building.

And that's just my common sense. When you add in all the other evidence out there, it's just so obvious to me that I'm dumbfounded that people still haven't agreed on this point.

Maybe that's why "no planers" seem to be so adamant. No matter how hard they try, they can't seem to get their point across to the majority of the movement.

The helicopter that captured the only "live" shot of the second plane was equipped with a WESCAM system. This is the same technology that is able to superimpose a first down marker on a football field, while not appearing on a player who crosses it. Subsequent replays showing the plane could also have been "ready to go." As for the rest of the 16 or so total videos and the Naudet film, they had all kinds of time to create those.


Go on, Nico!

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