Re: Barbara Olson, celebre "vittima" del volo 77, in realtà è ancora viva!

Inviato da  goldstein il 29/5/2006 8:54:51
Lascia perdere Tom Flocco, vecchio e noto disinfo agent.

Vero. In quel periodo poi - credo che la cosa risalga ad oltre un anno fa - ne sparava una al giorno, non so poi che abbia scritto perchè non ho piu' aperto il suo sito.
Verificare sempre le fonti...

ps: javaseth, vai a dare un'occhiata a ConCen:

Users of this site: Pro-zionists are trying to get this site shut down for anti-semetism
This is mostly due to the material by Darly Bradford Smith. Smith's torrents are not welcomed here anymore
Anyone caught uploading Smith's material will be banned for life from both the forums and the tracker.
Anyone caught linking to his website on the forums or in tracker comments will ALSO be banned for life.

The Canadian R.C.M.P. and possibly the F.B.I. have been notified of the "hatemongering" this site is alledged to commit
in an attempt to have the site shut down and me held criminally responsible.

This bitorrent site costs over $6,000 a year in server fees. We may also have to spend money on a legal defence fund due to
constant copyright issues even though this site doesn't actually HOST any of the files.

If you are of the opinion that everything on the internet should be free, and that you should not have to donate to this site's
upkeep, I suggest to you that you are helping the powers that be, not fighting them.

At the very least you should read about the legal problems we're facing and how you can help in a non-monetary manner.

Thank you for your time and support,

Ctrl (site owner)

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