Re: Falsi video ?

Inviato da  javaseth il 27/1/2007 1:28:42

argon ha scritto:
i filmati ci sono eccome:
Nel film 911 in plane sate in uno spezzone veniva inquadrata subito dopo l'impatto una donna che corre dicendo più o meno "is not an american airlines", usando questo spezzone per dimostrare che gli aerei erano in effetti senza insegne, ma che di fatto c'erano.

In 911 Mysteries c'è il racconto di Stanley Praimnath, che si è visto praticamente arrivare addosso l'aereo:

“We were about to go through the turnstile ... the security
guard says, ‘Where you guys are going?’ I said, ‘Well, I’m going home because I
saw fireballs coming down.’ He said, ‘No, your building is safe, it’s secured. It is
safer to stay in your building. Go back to your office.’”

Stanley Praimnath returned to the 81st floor. Then:
Stanley Praimnath: “I just happened to raise my head, looking straight towards
the Statue of Liberty, and what I say was a giant airplane coming straight towards

The South Tower was hit between the 78th and 84th floors. Trapped on the 81st
floor by crushing debris, Stanley was rescued by Brian Clark.


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