Re: Scientology a Ground Zero

Inviato da  _gaia_ il 12/1/2007 10:16:12
Grazie Pax per questa interessantissima segnalazione. Non sono riuscita a capire tutto quanto (il mio inglese fa un po' schifo) ma almeno i punti salienti credo di averli afferrati. Inquietante sta faccenda.
Se hai altri spunti o riflessioni da proporre, potrebbe nascerne una discussione senza dubbio interessante.

Al momento ho trovato ancora qualcosa sul ruolo di Scientology l'11 settembre 2001:

September 11, 2001 attack opportunists

The Church of Scientology was roundly criticized in the media for opportunism at the Ground Zero site, sending Scientologist Volunteer Ministers to intercept victims and their families from getting to mental health workers at Ground Zero. The American Red Cross issued statements denying any Scientologist's claim of cooperation with them.

Scientology was also criticized for exploiting media coverage; Fox News publicized for two hours a toll-free "crisis hotline" number they had received in a press release before a caller alerted them that the hotline was not run by the National Mental Health Association, a noted non-profit, but by "National Mental Health Assistance", a Scientology organization.
In issuing a statement denying that the similarity of the two names was intended to create confusion, Scientology spokespeople referred to "NMHA" several times, meaning the National Mental Health Association and not their own organization by that acronym. An official of the Association stated bluntly, "the Scientologists are using this tragedy to recruit new members."

In 2003 a Scientologist clinic, "Downtown Medical", opened and claimed to specialize in treating people for toxins inhaled from the 9/11 smoke, drawing further criticism. In December 2005, Scientology celebrity spokesman Tom Cruise was severely criticized after urging NYC firefighters to abandon their medication and switch to the Scientology clinic's Purification Rundown.

Ecco un fermo immagine della famosa scritta passata per 2 ore sugli schermi della Fox, durante la diretta del 14 settembre:

Immagine scovata partendo da questa pagina:
September 11 Web Archive Record
e risalendo poi a questa:
Scientology Interferes with Mental Health professionals
in World Trade Center disaster
(pagina ricca di link interessanti).
Questo invece è il breve ma "interessante" messaggio di Church of Scientology International all'indomani degli attacchi dell'11-9

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