Re: Scie chimiche- dibattito- Ma scusate...

Inviato da  NiHiLaNtH il 3/11/2013 21:24:58
Bella iridiscenza nella seconda foto... metalli?

sulle iridescenze mi sembra interessante la testimonianza di Bill Abram che si trova nel filmato postato qualche giorno fa

BLL ABRAM: Back in the early 50's 1951 I signed up as a meteorological observer for the department of transport, I was stationed in North Bay Ontario. As a weather observer I had to identify every cloud in the sky and transmit the observations hourly to the weather service and so consequently I certainly got to recognize what was a genuine cloud and what wasn't. At that time of course I had nothing to compare with so I just knew what the mare's tails were and the elevations of the clouds I had to identify them, but as I see the chemtrails here they do not match what I was told was cirrus or mare's tails or altostratus in a very thin layer, it just do not match with my observation in the early 50's working as a weather observer. There is one characteristic that we first noticed and as a weather observer I used to see sundogs but never in the summer time, yet all trough the summer in 2001-2002 we would see a complete ring around the sun and on the two edges the sundogs but they weren't of the brilliance of rainbow colors that we would see during the winter months under natural conditions.

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