Re: Scie chimiche e media

Inviato da  Dusty il 3/7/2007 13:05:10
Segnalo qui un post dal blog di zret che pare interessante:

Morbo di Morgellons e scie chimiche: la Staninger conferma!

This weeks guest: Dr. Hildegarde Staniger PH.D Industrial Toxicologist/IH and Doctor of Integrative Medicine Imagine your body pocked by erupting sores, the sensation of little bugs crawling just below the surface of your flesh, and worst of all, mysterious, hideous looking fibers sprouting from your skin. It may sound like a scene from a science fiction movie, but a growing legion of Americans, sixty thousand of them, now suffer from this condition.
Join us as Dr. Hildegarde Staninger fills us in on the terrible affliction known as Morgellons.
Learn how what appear to be nanorobotic "assemblers" replicate from the inside out, from the digestive system to the skin, and how the composition of chemtrail fibers matches that of some of the fibers found on Morgellons sufferers.
Are these nanorobots in our food?
Can we protect ourselves from them?
Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, Ph.D.'s websites:

Watch this and all the available online Out There TV shows allowed on Hurry before it is to late!

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