Re: Scie chimiche e media

Inviato da  Pausania il 10/5/2007 13:30:29
I Russi ragazzi sono favolosi. E almeno loro dicono di farle le cose.

'How we made the Chernobyl rain'

Russian military pilots have described how they created rain clouds to protect Moscow from radioactive fallout after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986.

Major Aleksei Grushin repeatedly took to the skies above Chernobyl and Belarus and used artillery shells filled with silver iodide to make rain clouds that would "wash out" radioactive particles drifting towards densely populated cities. [...]

In the wake of the catastrophic meltdown of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor, people in Belarus reported heavy, black-coloured rain around the city of Gomel. Shortly beforehand, aircraft had been spotted circling in the sky ejecting coloured material behind them. [...]

Major Grushin [...] claims he received the award for flying cloud seeding missions during the Chernobyl clean-up.

Perché, come dice Mercalli, il tempo atmosferico non si può controllare, la pioggia nemmeno, e dagli aerei non viene spruzzato niente.

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