Re: Assassinio di Oswald

Inviato da  Merio il 5/1/2015 21:20:11
Lee Harvey Osvald

Da link cito:

Announcing the results of the gross autopsy, Dallas County medical examiner Earl Rose said: "The two things that we could determine were, first, that he died from a hemorrhage from a gunshot wound, and that otherwise he was a physically healthy male."[247] Rose's examination found that Ruby's bullet entered Oswald's left side in the front part of the abdomen and caused damage to his spleen, stomach, aorta, vena cava, kidney, liver, diaphragm, and eleventh rib before coming to rest on his right side.

Però un botto di danni per una pistolettata.

Forse Redazzucco ne sa di più, hai provato a mandarli un PM ?

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