Re: Elysium e Chemtrails.

Inviato da  Fabrizio70 il 15/9/2013 9:15:21
L'ONR lo stà studiando da un pò , ha creato pure una patch apposita:

Phase I was focused on the development of launcher technology with adequate service life, development of reliable pulsed power technology and component risk reduction for the projectile.

Phase II, which started in 2012, will advance the technology for transition to an acquisition program. Phase II technology efforts will concentrate on demonstrating a rep-rate fire capability. Thermal management techniques required for sustained firing rates will be developed for both the launcher system and the pulsed power system.

Non è possibile renderlo portatile perchè serve molta energia elettrica che solo in una struttura fissa tipo una nave è possibile produrrre , chi vivrà vedrà...

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