Re:L'angolo delle cose preoccupanti...

Inviato da  ivan il 28/3/2013 3:59:00
Pesticide combination affects bees' ability to learn ... tudies have highlighted a negative impact on bees' ability to learn following exposure to a combination of pesticides commonly used in agriculture. The researchers found that the pesticides, used in the research at levels shown to occur in the wild, could interfere with the learning circuits in the bee's brain. They also found that bees exposed to combined pesticides were slower to learn or completely forgot important associations between floral scent and food rewards.

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Le combinazioni di pesticidi e' la cosa che risulta dalle statistiche presentate dalle varie organizzazioni : non e' la presenza di un singolo pesticida fuori limite sanitario il dato che emerge, il dato che emerge e' la presenza di piu' pesticidi, anche se ognuno di essi e' nei limiti sanitari.

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