Re: la terra è cava?

Inviato da  hornet il 27/10/2006 12:24:55

Vincent51 ha scritto:
Ok in questa foto si vede un buco bello grosso (a me sembra fin troppo nitido quel buco...)
ma allora gli esploratori che hanno raggiunto i due poli come mai non hanno riferito qualcosa su queste "entrate"?
Anzi avrebbero dovuto cascarci dentro...

Effettivamente sembra un po' troppo nitido....

What would a north hole 1,400 miles across look like? 1,400 miles is greater than the distance from Sacramento CA to Amarillo TX! The thing is, on the open sea with no land around, (or on flat land) one can normally see only about 12 miles in any direction due to the curve of the earth. In other words, as you moved into the gradual depression of the opening, it is true that you wouldn't know it at first. Once you were far enough in, however, you SHOULD see a huge and disturbing sight: the horizon looming too high in the sky. In fact, some say such a vision has been reported in the the northern Arctic. The hillingar effect or arctic mirage, however, is credited as an optical illusion.

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