Re: Pornografia

Inviato da  Paxtibi il 17/5/2007 14:21:21
Bel topic Sick-boy, stavo giusto leggendo un'articolo piuttosto inquietante:

Are Disney and Comcast marketing evil?

On May 1, some thousands of New Jersey children were sadistically violated by Comcast's screening of pornography on the Disney Playhouse cable channel.

How many thousands of innocent 3 to 6-year-old children were traumatized by the close-up groans and grinds of pornography in place of "Handy Manny"?

The number is a well-guarded Disney and Comcast secret.

I received one cynical e-mail saying, "It was a sanctioned technology experiment as the parental controls were overridden. That's why there's no government action." Who will be prosecuted for deliberately and/or recklessly brutalizing these wide-eyed youngsters?


But Disney is indeed "one of them."

Disney is pedophile-friendly at the highest echelons, brazenly hiring convicted pedophiles like Victor Salva to write and direct sexualized child films like "Powder."

Salva served 15 months for sodomizing at least one 12-year-old boy who had acted in Salva's first teen horror film, "Clownhouse." Entertainment Weekly reported that in "Powder," Salva has a male teacher stroke the boy's head and tell the child he's "never had better sex" since being touched by the lad.

Disney kept this and other sexualized child scenes in "Powder" and warned no one of Salva's criminal pedophile history. One press critic noted, "The movie studio participated in the secrecy and the cycle of abuse."

In fact, Salva joined another well-paid Disney predatory "talent." Larry Clark, infamous for his naked photographs of young boys, directed "Kids" (1995) in graphic sex, violence and drug use. Ted Baehr's Movieguide notes that this child-abusive film was so deviant that Disney distributed it under the Miramax label.

Newsweek said "The art-movie company Miramax has paid $3.5 million to distribute 'Kids' worldwide. Unfortunately, Miramax is owned by the Walt Disney Co. … The movie is called 'Kids,' but you'd better leave yours at home. New York photographer Larry Clark, known for his raw images of adolescent sexuality, has just debuted his first film at the Sundance Film Festival."


Tra l'altro, faccio notare una dichiarazione di un produttore di porno dall'ottimo articolo postato da Pausania:

"Non ci sono leggi che proibiscono di fare soldi in un sistema capitalista. Non lo ho inventato io il capitalismo. Io sono innocente."

Visto dove va a parare il solito ritornello "è colpa del mercato?"

È davvero innocente costui, perché non ci sono leggi che sanzionino il suo operato? Non è forse un comodo sistema per scaricare le sue responsabilità? Non è stato certo "il capitalismo" a girare i suoi film, è stato lui. Ma ha trovato un modo per scaricarsi la coscienza, fornito gentilmente dalla vulgata corrente: in altre epoche, probabilmente, la colpa sarebbe stata "del demonio".

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