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Inviato da  Lestaat il 7/5/2007 14:43:12
E' bizzarro leggere certe cose scritte da un americano.
Almeno lo è per me.
E' un commento all'articolo che parla di "Seven is Exploding" su 911bloggers.
L'ho trovato amaramente illuminante.

A related story about Italian knowledge of 9/11....

A friend and fellow truther told me the following story.
She recently (April07) had an Italian exchange student staying at her home. She was at first reluctant to bring up 9/11 but after a few days she decided to broach the subject. To her surprise the Italian student said, "Of course!, Everyone in Italy knows that 9/11 was an inside job!"
My friend was of course excited and relieved and they proceded to have a lengthy discussion of planes, jet fuel fires, controlled demolition etc. Then the conversation turned to historic examples of false flag terrorism: the Maine, Gulf of Tonkin, Gladio. STOP! The Italian student informed her that he had never heard of Gladio. How could this be? After all, the Gladio terror operations were directed by NATO but they happened in Italy. They even kidnapped Aldo Moro, the Italian Prime Minister. Surely he had heard of that. "No.", replied the student, "Aldo Moro, was kidnapped by the Red Brigade!"

So there you have it. The Italian student can see through the American propaganda and can see 9/11 for what it is, but he is still captive of the Italian mind control about their own false flag events.

It seems that since the propaganda is directed at the target domestic population, people in foreign countries may have a better view of events because they are not the direct target of the Psy-Op.


Messaggio orinale: https://old.luogocomune.net/site/newbb/viewtopic.php?forum=6&topic_id=3425&post_id=89106