Re: Sgarbi-Paone.

Inviato da  crociato il 13/3/2007 1:10:04

Iceman ha scritto:

crociato ha scritto:
Attenzione il metallaro Iceman poi si scandalizza alle parolacce per poi ascoltarsi a manetta la musica cacofonica del metal estremo,senza meravigliarsi dei contenuti.
Questa si che è una contraddizione.
Di diabolico c'è il parlare sempre ed esclusivamente di notizie esclusivamente di parte e di quart'ordine.
Alla prossima gentaglia.
Ci sentiamo in futuro.

Dai su Crociato...
Non te la prendere...

Piuttosto cerca di spiegarmi perchè questi testi "Death metal" dovrebbero essere "aboliti", assieme a tutto il cacofonico, immorale e dannoso metal estremo....

Mortification "Satan's Doom"
Behold the one called Lucifer eternally damned
In caverns of despair
His mind infested with hate for you
May every soul of his death be aware

We reject you Satan the prince of hate
You'll pay dearly for the atrocities you've done
Your head will be crushed and vile gore spurt
It'll be all over for all who hate the Son

Choose not to die
Choose after-life

Vengeance is mine saith Almighty God
Whatever you sow you'll reap
Unlimited power is found in Christ
You must arise from your deceptive sleep

Come before the writhing flames
Witness the death of your spell
For Satan is stripped of strength and power
Left helpless to burn forever

Soldiers of hate on the war path to doom
Victims of their decision to deny
Destructive consequences befall the denier
Almighty will reveal to them why
No more sacrifices required
Away with your satanic attire
Wake up mislead children of wrath
Escape the consequence of the fire

Must you prolong this charade of gore
The hands of time in continual movement
The scum of the earth that you call master
Has already been defeated

Behold all this of which we speak
Is genuine warning to those who'll listen
Illusion or fantasy this is neither
Decide for Christ you must hasten

Death "livin Monstrosity"
Every day blows by in a world of corrupt addiction
With life comes pain withdrawals and deformation
Breaking the mould of human appearance
Contorting bodies with chemical interference

The guilty one, innocent she now cries
A life of hell, better off to die
Born without eyes, hands, and half a brain
Being born addicted to cocaine

Living monstrosity
A freak for life they'll always be
Never knowing love or hate
Only pain the drug creates

Some say she's naive, she's a stupid bitch
Some say to forgive, guilty she should die

The beginning of the end begins at birth
Breeding masses of twisted screaming flesh
An example we should make out of theses creators of misfortune
A serious crime that should not be forgiven

The guilty one, innocent she now cries
A life of hell, better off to die
Born without eyes, hands, and half a brain
Being born addicted to cocaine

Death "Empty Word"
Ashes and promises share a bond
Through the winds of change
Words are blown away
When visions that should be
Are tattooed in your mind
The power to let go
Is sometimes hard to find

The answer cannot be found
In the writing of others
Or the words of a trained mind
In a precious world of memories
We find ourselves confined

Claws so razor sharp
Ripping at the spirit

Promises a potential to hurt
Is anything real?
When forever is to be until
Deep inside, in the world of empty words...
No escaping from those haunting
Empty words...

Do you ever feel it?
A craving that is so strong
To by thought rewind in order to find

Expectations that shined through the doubt
That soon would turn into the price
Of what a word will be worth
When tomorrow comes
To be and we are left
Standing on our own-
And seeing what is real...

The answer cannot be found
In the writing of others
Or the words of a trained mind
In a precious world of memories
We find ourselves confined

Claws so razor sharp
Ripping at the spirit

...Alla fine non è tanto!!!

è solo un mesetto buono che te lo chiedo e non rispondi...
Prenditi pure il tuo tempo... So che è difficile per qualcuno sempre impegnato a risolvere i problemi del mondo(tra i quali anche i pericolosissimi autori di questi testi chiaramente!) fermarsi un attimo a leggere 3 testi di canzoni!

Ti ho già scritto cosa penso di questo pattume sonoro.
Il resto chiedilo a Padre Amorth.
Ah,dimenticavo sei arrivato all'età della pietra???

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