Re: Polizia appoggiano dimostranti.

Inviato da  Paxtibi il 25/5/2012 10:58:09
Altri commenti da facebook:

From the many protest, this was the only one allowed, the others were blocked by the courts,. The water canons, and the Video survalence trucks, can#t be seen in this photo either. Nothing also mention about the hundreds of arrest of activists in the days before the demo.

When I put this up on my wall and asked people about it, I got a response from someone who lives there. The march went right under his window. He said this was a fake.
There are real reasons why something like this would be faked. You just have to try and think like a criminal to figure it out. It was hard for me, but I did it.

I am sorry but this is not true. The policemen are NOT joining the protest but merely escoting the procession with their helmets in hand as they always do.

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