We are the WaR

Inviato da  vuotorosso il 19/6/2011 0:15:08
Versione aggiornata, come i bambini di allora sono gli uomini d'oggi, della famosa canzone, piena d'intenti, e loro attuali sviluppi


All’indirizzo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nePyPB_6Bc4&feature=related potete ascoltare la versione strumentale, per poterla cantare mentre leggete il testo.


Toward Your Home
Our troops are marching on
While the ONU, blesses us, as a god
There are people dying
And there will be a lot, lot more
We're just doing our job

We must go on
We have bombs for everyone
So no fear, we'll bomb you at least once
Wait for your time
We're telling you no lies
We have even long distance missiles

We are the war
are the killers
We are the ones bombing everyday
Cities and civilians
And some children will be hit
Shuttered in hundred pieces
but we will export
our democracy

Send there your planes
So they ll see their house in flames
So they ll know that we started out our game
As Nobel shown us by turning living to dead
you ll be the next, no need to be afraid

We are the war
We are the killers
We are the ones bombing everyday
Cities and civilians
Another war we're making
We're shutting lot of lives
Its true we'll make a better mall
over you all

In the middle of the night
You'll hear our planes strike
But if you just want to live
there is no chance we give
Well, well, well, well, let you realize
that a missile will come
Then you and your family will be gone

We are the war
We are the killers
We are the ones bombing everyday
Cities and civilians
And some children will be hit
Shuttered in hundred pieces
but we will export
our democracy

We are the war
We are the killers
We are the ones bombing everyday
Cities and civilians
Another war we're making
We're shutting lot of lives
Its true we'll make a better mall
over you all

Messaggio orinale: https://old.luogocomune.net/site/newbb/viewtopic.php?forum=6&topic_id=6389&post_id=196443