Re: Buchi strani a Guatemala City

Inviato da  Sinder il 4/6/2010 21:24:59
As it stands now they are estimating it is at least 18 meters wide, and 60 meters deep.

Update#1: According to a local named “Les” There used to be a house on the corner, and there was possibly up to three people in the house during the time of the Guatemala sinkhole.

Update#2: A body was just recently pulled from the giant sinkhole in Guatemala City, which has now been measured to be over 200 feet deep.

Update#3: A viewer was asking for the Guatemala Sinkhole Coordinates, and it is roughly in the north eastern part of the city at: 14° 39′ 7.5″ N, 90° 30′ 21.5″ W

Update#4: The Guatemala City Death Toll is up to 150 from Tropical Storm Agatha, mostly from flooding and landslides. According to the breaking news articles, it seems only one man has actually died from the sinkhole itself

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