Re: Zeitgeist

Inviato da  Sertes il 31/8/2009 15:36:57


taote79 ha scritto:
Nel senso pił comunemente diffuso del termine "politica", invece, nessuno vieta ad un attivista di un qualsiasi movimento di candidarsi per qualche organo legislativo al fine di supportare gli obbiettivi di quel movimento.

5) Reject the Political system. The illusion of democracy is an insult to our intelligence. In a monetary system there is no such thing as a true democracy... and there never was. We have 2 political parties owned by the same set of corporate lobbyists. They are placed in their positions by the corporations, with popularity, artificially projected by their media. In a system of inherent corruption, the change of personal every couple of years has very little relevance. Instead of pretending the political game has any true meaning, focus your energies on how to transcend this failed system.

Fonte: il tuo link

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