Re: Conspiracy Zone

Inviato da  Paxtibi il 21/1/2009 0:27:04
Per maggior precisione sul collegamento tra Kennedy – e possibilmente la sua morte – e l'atomica israeliana:

The evidence, however, shows that Kennedy's policy in this area was rather lax, at least until 1963, when the Israeli question became bound up with far more important issues. The idea, for example, that a May 1961 meeting between Kennedy and Israeli prime minister Ben Gurion was a "major disappointment" for the Israeli leader, in part because of the nuclear issue, is not borne out by the records of that encounter. The meeting was relaxed and the president was friendly, and this was in spite of the fact that Israeli prime minister Ben Gurion made it clear that Israel was keeping her nuclear option open; Kennedy, it seemed, was far more concerned with appearances than with substance.(2)

The key issue had to do with the inspection of the Israeli nuclear facility at Dimona. The Israelis agreed to inspections, but not to serious ones, and the Americans went along with the charade. As McGeorge Bundy, Kennedy's national security advisor, later admitted, these inspections "were not as seriously and rigorously conducted as they would have had to be to get the real story."(3) The first inspection was arranged by the Israelis "outside regular governmental channels." Two American physicists, both European-born Jews who had fled to the United States during the Nazi period, were invited to go on a guided tour of Dimona and reported "no evidence of weapons-related activity." Although well aware of what the Israelis were doing, Kennedy chose to take this as satisfactory evidence of Israeli compliance with America's non-proliferation policy.(4) In 1962, as Hersh himself points out, the U.S. government accepted an inspection arrangement which "guaranteed that the whole procedure would be little more than a whitewash, as the President and his senior advisors had to understand: the American inspection team would have to schedule its visits well in advance, and with the full acquiescence of Israel."(5) The goal, according to the American who led the inspection team, was to find "'ways to not reach the point of taking action' against Israel's nuclear weapons program."(6)

And, in fact, far from getting involved in a kind of "war" with Ben Gurion over Dimona, the issue was essentially put on hold until the spring of 1963. Avner Cohen, who has studied these matters more closely than anyone else, refers to the period from May 1961 to March 1963 as a "long slumber."(7) It was only in mid-1963 that the Kennedy administration decided to apply real pressure. But this had to do with the more general policy the U.S. government was pursuing at the time. It was about to embark on delicate and far-reaching negotiations designed to keep both Germany and China non-nuclear, and the last thing Kennedy wanted was for Israel to do anything that might upset the applecart.

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