Re: L'ing. Keshe sta facendo il possibile...

Inviato da  Fabrizio70 il 27/2/2013 1:08:55
Puoi pure passare ad incassare Deca...

As we try to keep our reactor development on time and keep in line with our research, we have been unable to deliver the generator due to two points.


Once we receive the newly manufactured parts in the second week of March from the manufactures: It will take us another 15 to 30 days to test and finally release the generators.

It has to be said that Foundation has only received less than 150 deposits for generators, which this even does not justify production cost of systems on commercial bases.

Hahahahahaahhahahahahahahaha , prima rompe le palle su una nuova mentalità , poi dice che NON PRODURRA' i generatori , hahahahahahahah

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