Re: Oggi è la data ufficiale di morte della "scienza"

Inviato da  ivan il 4/10/2012 20:52:09

Bene, hai fatto tutte queste simpatiche divagazione linguistiche e filosofiche per evitare, ancora, di rispondere con argomentazioni scientifiche.


Capisco che spostare il discorso a un livello linguistico ti è più utile, ma qui non si disquisice di linguistica, ma di fisica.

Su Amazon c'è un libro interessante:

link How Einstein Ruined Physics:

Questa ne è la recnsione:

Einstein is considered the world’s greatest genius for creating the theory of relativity. How Einstein Ruined Physics explains relativity, how it was discovered, and how it fits into a long history of trying to understand motion and symmetry. The book shows that Einstein’s role is badly misunderstood.

Modern physics books often describe a fantasy world that has less and less to do with reality. They tell of alternate universes, cosmic singularities, and extra dimensions. When they lack evidence for these ideas, they argue that they are following Einstein's example and looking for the next revolution.

Einstein's example is detailed. He is famous for uniting space and time in the theory of relativity, and for revolutionizing science with pure thought. In fact, his famous relativity paper merely postulated what had previously been proved, and he did not even understand why space and time were being united. The essentials of relativity are explained, along with how they were discovered.

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