Re: La fine dei tempi: la rivelazione aliena.

Inviato da  Timor il 16/10/2010 20:54:53
Concetti un pò più spinti

Ma in inglese


Most of us are still right-left symmetrical because our left neocortex so totally dominates the right. We need to shift our emphasis from cosmos to chaos, from left-brain dominance, to right-brain balance. Then the right is not just an imitation of the left, it is different, unique. The last symmetry is gone and the two asymmetrical sides can cohere in a new singularity. With this singularity full brained interpersonal communication becomes possible. Real community and deep connections between people can develop. The enhanced communication in turn improves the new coherence. As Keyserling puts it, ìthe ego, subject of the left hemisphere, becomes the organ of the Self in the right hemisphere by establishing contact with the Other.î

Full right-brain coherence comes in a communal process through receptivity to the workings of the Strange attractors. It comes by opening yourself with others to constrained chance. In the moments when this is realized with others, we have attained the birthright of Man. We have realized the potential to self organize to a higher stage of evolution. We become born to a new community of Human Man. As a whole being, in touch with both sides of our self and others, we transcend the left-right animal symmetry. As unique individuals we can know and touch others on a deeper level. We have acheived our birthright of a holistic brain. With two fully-developed, harmonized, yet distinctly different neocortical brains, we are autonomous, asymmetrical, truly free from outside manipulation. In this position we can fully participate in a community and add to it. This is self organization in the midst of chaos.

To animal-man we seem like Strange attractors indeed. On the surface, and in the moment, our actions may appear haphazard and foolhardy, but over time the wisdom and beauty of the Human Man becomes obvious in the creativity, deepened relations, and communities that follow.

0 - The highest stage, beyond even the higher Man, is merger with God, with the Great Singularity beyond name and form. Evidence suggests that this final stage in turn, like a fractal, is composed on many stages of its own. The end stage for us is a new beginning for the macrocosmic beings. It is not final at all. This makes sense for when the end is infinity it can never be attained. This ìfinal stageî from our perspective has to do with advanced evolution beyond our experience. For us the moments of merger with the Great Singularity are a flash. We grasp only a small portion of its intensity before our systems overload. We quickly explode into the Big Bang. Our small conscious being can only handle a glimpse of infinity. Larger and more complex systems are required to process the greater amounts of energy involved. This is the business of the macrocosmos. It has to do with conscious entities much more evolved than Man. This stage pertains to the far future reaches of the Universe. A vast cosmos of inter-galactic coherence. We can only speculate on the consciousness of these entities. The mind of a whole Galaxy is way beyond our comprehension. We hear from these higher levels, we learn a little, we are a small sub-part of them; but we comprehend only dimly, like a goldfish in a bowl.

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