Re: HAARP/terremoto HAITI: possibile?

Inviato da  Fabrizio70 il 20/1/2010 7:36:28

A me sembra troppo sicuro di quello che dice. A quei livelli, non puoi sparare le cose a casaccio per "sentito dire", di certo sa molto di più di quanto "spiffera".

Non è detto cmq che le sue fonti siano migliori delle nostre , del resto vedi il mantra sui cattivi mussulmani che qualsiasi militare pro-nato è costretto a ripetere un paio di volte al giorno.

In quell'articolo Mini parla di onde scalari , ho fatto qualche ricerca e finora ho trovato solo robaccia , nulla di serio (purtroppo ho un pessimo collegamento e non posso sfogarmi a dovere) ma probabilmente ho trovato l'origine dell'affermazione del generalone:


"Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves… So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations…It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our efforts, and that's why this is so important."

[Secretary of Defense William Cohen at an April 1997 counterterrorism conference sponsored by former Senator Sam Nunn. Quoted from DoD News Briefing, Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, Q&A at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy, University of Georgia, Athens, Apr. 28, 1997].

Questa nota viene dal sito di un ex tenente colonello dell'US army,Thomas Bearden:

ora posto altre parti:


The quakes and the tsunamis were the work of the Yakuza, using the large scalar interferometers they leased on site in Russia at the end of 1989, and with which they have been engineering our weather since then.


Nuclear weapons are deterrents only so long as aggressors don’t have quantum potential weapons. Once they have such weapons, or else are allied with someone who has and will clandestinely support them, then every nuclear weapon on the planet can be dudded in about 10 minutes flat, as will be nuclear propulsion systems (there go the nuclear subs etc.) and nuclear power plants (there goes the power grid). This sort of thing is why the QP weapon is the most powerful class of weapons on earth. But five nations have QP weapons, including China and Russia and Brazil. A sixth nation is closing fast on them, and of course I could always have missed someone.


Much of the radical Arab terrorism is also being quietly steered and coordinated by the same old FSB/KGB die-hard communists. The way that is being done is with psychoenergetics, which has long reached the point where the psychoenergetics can make a living human mind on the lab bench, and put it inside the Drude electron gas in an ashtray if desired. All mind operations are electromagnetic but over on the time-axis, and if one develops quantum field theory further, it already prescribes a time-polarized or “scalar” photon – in short, a set of electrodynamics and electrodynamics operations over on the time axis. Neither a scalar photon nor a longitudinal photon is individually observable, but the combination is observable as common voltage (scalar potential) spikes.


This is a further psychoenergetics extension to the common theory of asymmetric warfare. Meanwhile, the Yakuza are the main “troops” to carry the battle inside our own nation, although Castro has at least 5,000 functioning and highly trained agents in here, as do many other factions (Muslim, Chinese, etc.).

behind a great deal of our woes, and that orchestration is deliberately and slowly increasing them. The great dragon is being increasingly bled, and the economy is increasingly coming under relentless pressure. The Yakuza, e.g., will in about two years simply finish destroying our centralized electrical power grid, thereby initiating a catastrophic collapse of our economy, pulling down the European economies as well. Then with chaos, blood in the streets, and violent disorder the rule of the day, the Yakuza will extract its vengeance for their defeat in WW II, and for our dropping the atom bomb on Japan. They intend to kill off every living American – man, woman, and child, and destroy this nation utterly.

In this plan, recently the shift has been made from the decades of “insertion phase” into the final “operations phase”. The scalar interferometry registration on the Yellowstone caldera preceded the Indonesia action, and both were the Yakuza. By deliberately erupting Yellowstone (the largest supervolcano on earth), it will destroy about 60% to 70% of North America, and thereby destroy the United States rather completely (18 inches to two meters of ash just about all over; kills off all higher forms of life, the crops, etc. and engenders nuclear winter, etc. Presently the geologists are doing a pretty good job of specifying the damage that would ensue).

So the Asian tsunamis were the first opening shot, deliberately set elsewhere to further get the UN and the US stretched out, and to place further demands on our troop dispositions and use. It also was a great stimulus to allow the FSB/KGB to assess the state of knowledge recognition in Washington, D.C. about this plan. Now they know that the entourages there have done their dirty work, and once again the U.S. decision makers are not very well informed on what is really coming down and going on.

Come puoi vedere non mi sembra molto affidabile come fonte...


E poi, hai visto qualcuno degno di nota sbattersi per sapere cosa davvero sia HAARP e ricevere una risposta che non fosse il classico muro di gomma o il solito, generico, "facciamo esperimenti sulla ionosfera"?

Nel sito dell'impianto norvegese ci sono gli studi effettuati ,nulla di particolare , riscaldano la ionosfera per far emettere dagli atomi ulteriori onde elettromagnetiche da studiare , non è magia ma scienza...


Nel frattempo, mentre attendo che una persona esperta mi spieghi cosa significa esattamente quel grafico, approfondisco.

E' uno strumento che serve a rilevare le variazioni del campo magnetico terrestre in Alaska, sulla sinistra c'è la scala delle frequenze , a destra la scala colorata dell'intensità della variazione mentre le varie colonne rappresentano gli orari , ma da solo quel grafico non dimostra nulla,se con quella variazione c'è stato un terremoto cosa sarebe successo con questa?

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