Re: Big Bang? Anche no... OT FIONDATO

Inviato da  lalonde il 24/5/2007 14:41:07
Ciao luca11, qualche pagina fa mi avevi chiesto di postare qualcosa sulla cosmologia del plasma. Non saprei proprio da dove partire. Vista la vastitŕ dell'argomento, mi sembra piů corretto iniziare da chi per primo ha affrontato l'argomento in maniera ben approfondita.

La mia intenzione č di linkarti alcuni scritti di Hannes Alfvén

Riporto un po di biografia da Wikipedia e i contributi che le sue teorie hanno dato alla scienza moderna.

Hannes Olof Gösta Alfvén (May 30, 1908; Norrköping, Sweden – April 2, 1995; Djursholm, Sweden) was a Swedish plasma physicist who won the 1970 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on the theory of magnetohydrodynamics. He was originally trained as an electrical power engineer and later moved to research and teaching in the fields of plasma physics. Alfvén made many contributions to plasma physics, including theories describing the behavior of aurorae, the Van Allen radiation belts, the effect of magnetic storms on the Earth's magnetic field, the terrestrial magnetosphere, and the dynamics of plasmas in the Milky Way galaxy.

Alfvén played a central role in the development of:

Plasma physics
Charged particle beams
Interplanetary physics
Magnetospheric physics
Solar phenomena investigation (such as the solar wind)
Aurorae science

Applications of Alfvén's research in space science include:

Van Allen radiation belt theory
Reduction of the Earth's magnetic field during magnetic storms
Magnetosphere (protective plasma covering the earth)
Formation of comet tails
Formation of the solar system
Dynamics of plasmas in the galaxy
Fundamental nature of the universe

Areas of technology benefiting from Alfvén's contributions include:

Particle beam accelerators
Controlled thermonuclear fusion
Hypersonic flight
Rocket propulsion
Reentry braking of space vehicles

Contributions to astrophysics:

Galactic magnetic field
Identified nonthermal synchrotron radiation from astronomical sources

Ora i link specifici alle trattazioni sul plasma, i campi magnetici e i campi elettrici nello spazio e la loro funzione nell'evoluzione del cosmo.

Interstellar clouds and the formation of stars
On the Importance of Electric Fields in the Magnetosphere and Interplanetary Space
On the origin of cosmic magnetic fields
Structure and evolutionary history of the solar system I
Solar system history as recorded in the Saturnian ring structure

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Se conosci l'inglese č il modo migliore per avvicinarti alla cosmologia del plasma.
Spero ti possa interessare. Molte cose che troverai qui non vengono trattate nei corsi universitari di astronomia (almeno fino a 7/8 anni fa, ora non so, magari qualcuno puň confermare).
Questa dannata frammentazione della conoscenza

Ciao a tutti.

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