Re: Fusione Fredda

Inviato da  Dusty il 8/8/2011 15:19:50
E-cat: divorzio Rossi-Defkalion

Bel terremoto questa notizia!

Contemporaneamente Rossi dichiara di avere un contratto con una azienda americana e che lo sviluppo della centrale entro Ottobre prosegue... O č completamente pazzo (e riesce ad ingannare tutti quelli che lavorano attorno a lui) o la faccenda č sempre pių interessante.

Nel frattempo, cercando dettagli sul sito defkalion si legge:
It has come to the attention of our company that unauthorized persons have initiated contact with third parties for financial and development matters.

Defkalion Green Technologies publically announces that only its Board of Directors are commissioned to speak on behalf of the company. Any and all attempts to mislead third parties are seen as a legal infringement and shall be pursued by law accordingly.

Defkalion Green Technologies takes very seriously its communication to third parties and maintains transparency in all its actions.

The BoD hereby issues a public apology for any misleading information that has already made its way through the grape vine. For all afflicted individuals / entities, please communicate directly with our Head Office for clarification.

Cosė da complicare ulteriormente la questione

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