"On the Lebanon side of the border..."

Inviato da  Linucs il 21/7/2006 22:23:38
Israele ha il diritto di difendersi.

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Liban: le Hezbollah capture deux soldats israéliens, sept autres tués

Selon la police libanaise, les deux soldats ont été capturés en territoire libanais, dans la région de Aïta al-Chaab près de la frontière, alors que la télévision israélienne a indiqué qu'ils avaient été capturés en territoire israélien.

Hezbollah arrests two Israeli soldiers

Beirut, July. 12 (BNA) The Lebanese Hezbollah movement announced Wednesday the arrest of two Israeli soldiers in southern Lebanon. Lebanese police said that the two soldiers were arrested as they entered the town of Aitaa al-Chaab inside the Lebanese border. Israeli aircraft were active in the air over southern Lebanon, police said, with jets bombing roads leading to the market town of Nabatiyeh, 60 kilometers south of Beirut.

Hezbollah captures two Israeli soldiers

The Lebanese Shiite Hezbollah movement announced on Wednesday that its guerrillas have captured two Israeli soldiers in southern Lebanon. "Implementing our promise to free Arab prisoners in Israeli jails, our strugglers have captured two Israeli soldiers in southern Lebanon," a statement by Hezbollah said. "The two soldiers have already been moved to a safe place," it added. The Lebanese police said that the two soldiers were captured as they "infiltrated" into the town of Aitaa al-Chaab inside the Lebanese border. Israeli aircraft were active in the air over southern Lebanon, the police said, with jets bombing roads leading to the market town of Nabatiyeh, 60 kms south of Beirut. Lebanese security sources said the planes were bombarding roads, which might be used by Hezbollah guerrillas.

It's war by any other name

To them, it is legitimate self-defense. They back this argument by saying that Israel still controls the Sheba Farms, which are part of Lebanon, and still has Lebanese prisoners in Israeli jails. Also, they add that the Israeli tank destroyed by Hezbollah, and the soldiers captured and killed on July 12, had trespassed into Lebanon's side of the border with Israel.
It all started on July 12 when Israel troops were ambushed on Lebanon's side of the border with Israel. Hezbollah, which commands the Lebanese south, immediately seized on their crossing. They arrested two Israeli soldiers, killed eight Israelis and wounded over 20 in attacks inside Israeli territory. This unleashed hell in Israel, and Olmert immediately responded by mounting a war on Lebanon. A sea, air and ground blockade was enforced on Lebanon, and a systematic destruction of Lebanon's infrastructure was began.

Les agences de presse occidentales victimes consentantes de la censure militaire israélienne

Voici les faits: le Hezbollah exige depuis de longues années la libération de prisonniers détenus par Israël, tel que Samir el Kantar, emprisonné depuis 1978, Nassim Nisr et Yahia Skaff qui est incarcéré depuis 1982. Dans de nombreuses occasion, il a fait savoir qu’il ne manquerait pas de faire prisonnier à son tour des soldats israéliens -si ci-ceux-ci venaient à s’introduire au Liban-, et de les utiliser comme monnaire d’échange. De manière délibérée, Tsahal a envoyé un commando dans l’arrière-pays libanais à Aïta al Chaab. Il a été attaqué par le Hezbollah, faisant deux prisonniers. Israël a alors feint d’être agressé et a attaqué le Liban. Le Hezbollah, qui se préparait à faire face à une agression israélienne que chacun savait imminente depuis le retrait syrien, a tiré des missiles de moyenne portée sur Israël.

Reservists called up for Lebanon strike

The IAF on Wednesday began to issue call up orders in preparation for retaliatory air strikes against Hizbullah targets in Lebanon, Channel 2 reported. The air force will target power stations and Hizbullah outposts inside Lebanon. The army was also calling up reservists. Only weeks ago, an entire reserve division was drafted in order to train for an operation such as the one the IDF is planning in response to Wednesday morning's Hizbullah attacks on IDF forces along the northern border.

Israel Hints at Full-Scale Lebanon Attack

BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Pitched battles raged between Israeli forces and Hezbollah fighters on the border Thursday, and Israel warned hundreds of thousands of people to flee southern Lebanon "immediately," preparing for a likely ground offensive to set up a buffer zone.

Israel set war plan more than a year ago

(07-21) 04:00 PDT Jerusalem -- Israel's military response by air, land and sea to what it considered a provocation last week by Hezbollah militants is unfolding according to a plan finalized more than a year ago. In the years since Israel ended its military occupation of southern Lebanon, it watched warily as Hezbollah built up its military presence in the region. When Hezbollah militants kidnapped two Israeli soldiers last week, the Israeli military was ready to react almost instantly.

AG refuses to ok use of Hamas officials as 'bargaining chips'

Israel intends to arrest more senior Hamas figures in addition to the dozens of Palestinian lawmakers and ministers arrested in a predawn raid Thursday, the Justice Ministry said Thursday. The detention of Hamas parliamentarians in the early hours of Thursday morning had been planned several weeks ago and received approval from Mazuz on Wednesday. The same day, Shin Bet Director Yuval Diskin presented Prime Minister Ehud Olmert with the list of Hamas officials slated for detention.

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