Inviato da  shm il 18/8/2009 20:04:32

Per correttezza riporto le fonti riguradanti Hyman:

1) Dove lui da esito negativo:
“A positive assessment by statistician Jessica Utts, that a statistically significant effect had been demonstrated in the laboratory [the government psychics were said to be accurate about 15 percent of the time], was offset by a negative one by psychologist Ray Hyman [a prominent CSICOP psychic debunker]. The final recommendation by AIR was to terminate the STAR GATE effort. CIA concluded that there was no case in which ESP had provided data used to guide intelligence operations.”

2) ...e dove si scopre che non "ebbe tempo" per controllare la documentazione fornitagli:
“The ambiguous conclusions leads surely to the AIR conclusion-of-choice that it really doesn't make sense for the government to waste further money on it. But we would be misled. The AIR examination was neither in depth, nor conclusive.”

“Because of the CIA's declassification action, Hyman finally WAS authorized access to the majority of the research, had he chosen to examine it. However, he himself admits he never bothered, since most of the experiments prior to the SAIC era were in the "three large cartons of documents" he was given at the outset of the study but which he freely admits in a recent article he "didn't have time" to look into (Skeptical Inquirer, March/April 1996, p. 22). In short, he couldn't possibly have known whether those experiments really did suffer from "methodological inadequacies."”

...qui alcune curiosità sull'FMSF:

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