Re: RAI 3 e la dichiarazione di SILVERSTEIN

Inviato da  ZZZ il 19/6/2006 18:18:25

maxgallo ha scritto:
Allora rigiriamo la domanda: come faceva a sapere che quel palazzo fosse crollato di li a poco? Ha sentito gli scricchiolii? Dove sono le dichiarazioni dei pompieri d assoluta pericolosita del Wtc7? Chi decide se un palazzo pericolante va lasciato perdere? Il suo proprietario?

è tutto nei link dei miei precedenti msg, dai quali ti riporto alcune frasi dei pompieri:
The most important operational decision to be made that afternoon was the collapse (Of the WTC towers) had damaged 7 World Trade Center, which is about a 50 story building, at Vesey between West Broadway and Washington Street. It had very heavy fire on many floors and I ordered the evacuation of an area sufficient around to protect our members, so we had to give up some rescue operations that were going on at the time and back the people away far enough so that if 7 World Trade did collapse, we [wouldn't] lose any more people. We continued to operate on what we could from that distance and approximately an hour and a half after that order was [given], at 5:30 in the afternoon, World Trade Center collapsed completely" - Daniel Nigro, Chief of Department

"Early on, there was concern that 7 World Trade Center might have been both impacted by the collapsing tower and had several fires in it and there was a concern that it might collapse. So we instructed that a collapse area -- (Q. A collapse zone?) -- Yeah -- be set up and maintained so that when the expected collapse of 7 happened, we wouldn't have people working in it. There was considerable discussion with Con Ed regarding the substation in that building and the feeders and the oil coolants and so on. And their concern was of the type of fire we might have when it collapsed." - Chief Cruthers

"Then we found out, I guess around 3:00 [o'clock], that they thought 7 was going to collapse. So, of course, [we've] got guys all in this pile over here and the main concern was get everybody out, and I guess it took us over an hour and a half, two hours to get everybody out of there. (Q. Initially when you were there, you had said you heard a few Maydays?) Oh, yes. We had Maydays like crazy.... The heat must have been tremendous. There was so much [expletive] fire there. This whole pile was burning like crazy. Just the heat and the smoke from all the other buildings on fire, you [couldn't] see anything. So it took us a while and we ended up backing everybody out, and [that's] when 7 collapsed.... Basically, we fell back for 7 to collapse, and then we waited a while and it got a lot more organized, I would guess." - Lieutenant William Ryan

Tutti da NY Times, che mi sembra abbastanza autorevole come fonte (a meno che anche loro siano parte della cospirazione, ovviamente).


Quindi, oggettivamente, per quale fenomeno è caduto il WTC7? Per il violento incendio? Perchè aveva due spigoli sdruciolati?

Perché era violentemente danneggiato, come indicano le dichiarazioni dei pompieri.
Anche loro fanno parte della terribile cospirazione, e hanno addirittura sacrificato dei colleghi per chissà quale tornaconto?

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