Re: energia rinnovabile: la Germania fa sul serio e noi?

Inviato da  Pausania il 22/12/2007 21:46:12
la co2 è un gas serra prevalentemente emesso dall'uomo e per puro culo, assorbito in gran parte dagli oceani. Se poi non credi sia un gas serra, guarda un pò le temperature su venere

Però sappiamo anche che...

Greenhouse gases are components of the atmosphere that contribute to the greenhouse effect. Without the greenhouse effect the Earth would be uninhabitable; in its absence, the mean temperature of the earth would be about −19 °C (−2 °F, 254 K) rather than the present mean temperature of about 15 °C (59 °F, 288 K). Greenhouse gases include in the order of relative abundance water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone. The majority of greenhouse gases come mostly from natural sources but are also contributed to by human activity.

Water vapor is a naturally occurring greenhouse gas and accounts for the largest percentage of the greenhouse effect, between 36% and 66%

in italia abbiamo un ottimo esempio di economia lasseiz-faire senza stato tutta in mano ai privati.. praticamente dal tevere in giù.

Certo, gli appalti pubblici, la sanità convenzionata e il monopolio sul commercio e sulla produzione di droga garantito per legge. Davvero "senza stato", non c'è che dire.

è una valutazione reale del costo del petrolio, che tenga conto delle conseguenze ambientali (katrina e derivati)

Did global warming power Katrina?

The evidence to date, while intriguing, doesn’t prove the case, scientists said. This is partly because studies so far include only a few decades’ worth of data, which isn’t enough.

It’s also because scientists lack a detailed explanation of how global warming would cause the hurricane trends seen so far. For instance, hurricanes are getting stronger, but not more frequent, and scientists don’t know why.

In general, it makes sense that higher temperatures would boost hurricane strength, many scientists say. Heat is energy, and energy drives hurricanes.

The study, to appear tomorrow in the research journal Science, is at least the second to link stronger hurricanes with rising temperatures.

The link is statistical: as temperatures have risen, hurricanes have become more violent, the researchers said. Whether the first causes the second remains unproven.

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