Re: Salute, ambiente ed eticità: vegan vs onnivori

Inviato da  Paxtibi il 17/8/2006 23:58:17
Certo! Se solo al mondo ci fosse cibo a sufficenza per tutti..


Overweight 'top world's hungry'

US professor Barry Popkin said all countries - both rich and poor - had failed to address the obesity boom.

He told the International Association of Agricultural Economists the number of overweight people had topped 1bn, compared with 800m undernourished.

peaking at an Australian conference, he said changing diets and people doing less physical exercise was the cause.

Professor Popkin, from the University of North Carolina, said that the change had happened quickly as obesity was rapidly spreading, while hunger was slowly declining among the world's 6.5bn population.


Quindi di cibo ce n'è fin troppo, sicuramente troppo non proprio salutare, aggiungerei io...

Volevo soltanto farvi notare la limpidità di un tale ragionamento.

A me non sembra affatto limpido, ma se va bene per te contenti tutti.
Ma lascia perdere le storie sul salvataggio del mondo e sull'etica, per favore.

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