Re: Salute, ambiente ed eticitą: vegan vs onnivori

Inviato da  Paxtibi il 17/8/2006 18:58:15
quanto vorrei farti assaggiare il mio "leggendario" ragł di soia..!

Vade retro, avvelenatore!

For Daniel, the problem exists in the soybean itself, a legume that by nature is chock full of antinutrients and toxins to ward off predators. If eaten in small amounts (say, a few tablespoons every couple of days) these toxins pose no real harm. The trouble occurs when we consume more than 35 grams of soy a day -- a quantity Daniel argues is easily reachable in our modern diet so crammed with soy meats, soy extenders, soy protein and soy emulsifiers, substances so full of estrogens, metals, sugars and additives, so "toxic," that they are posing considerable risks to our collective physical and mental health.

It's an extreme accusation, one that fits easily in the sidebars of alternative medicine weeklies or alarmist blogs of health nuts. (You can just see them wagging an "I told you so" finger as they smugly eat homegrown wheat bulgur from a worn wooden bowl.) But lately it's not just Daniel and off-the-grid hippies spouting the rues of soy -- governments have piped in. The French Center for Cancer Research has stated that soy products in no amount should be eaten by children under 3 years of age or women with or at risk of breast cancer. The Israeli Health Ministry issued a public warning on soy, claiming that consumption of soy be limited in young children and avoided, if possible, in infants. The American Heart Association has backtracked on its endorsement of soy.

The Chinese have prized the soybean for thousands of years as a fertilizer, a "green manure," but it wasn't until they learned to ferment it around 500 B.C. that they considered it suitable for human consumption. Fermenting the bean into foods like miso, tempeh and natto removed toxins and phytic acid (which can interfere with the absorption of minerals) and made soy more easily digestible -- all benefits that ordinary cooking could not accomplish.


Insomma, letame. Vegetale, ma letame.

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