Re: Salute, ambiente ed eticità: vegan vs onnivori

Inviato da  Paxtibi il 19/7/2006 14:21:29
Se tutti i terreni coltivabili della terra venissero usati esclusivamente per produrre alimenti vegetali, si potrebbe sfamare una popolazione 5 volte superiore a quella attuale: verrebbe quindi risolto il problema della fame nel mondo.

Ti sei mai chiesto cosa potrebbe succedere se tutti i terreni coltivabili della terra venissero usati esclusivamente per produrre alimenti vegetali?
L'habitat è una questione di equilibrio.

Liberazione animale di Peter Singer

No! Peter Singer NO!

“Many people are shocked when they discover that sober philosophers holding positions at prestigious universities in this country and Europe regularly defend the moral permissibility of the direct and fully intentional killing of young children and the severely disabled,” Solomon said, adding that the first defense of such killing appeared in 1973 in an article, “A Defense of Abortion and Infanticide,” written by a well known and widely respected philosopher, Michael Tooley, for Philosophy and Public Affairs, a journal published by Princeton University and regarded by many philosophers as the leading journal of ethics in the English-speaking world.

“When Princeton a few years ago named Peter Singer, the Australian philosopher now most closely identified with the worldwide movement to legitimize infanticide, to a prestigious chair of ethics in their University Center for Human Values, Princeton’s position as the academic beating heart of the assault on children was solidified,” Solomon said.

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