Re: Salute, ambiente ed eticità: vegan vs onnivori

Inviato da  Ashoka il 19/7/2006 10:25:47

La denuncia del Worldwatch Institute, considerato il più autorevole osservatorio sui trend ambientali del pianeta non lascia dubbi in proposito: "Gli allevamenti intensivi sono una delle serie minacce alla qualità dell'aria, del suolo e delle acque. Il prezzo della carne dovrebbe perlomeno triplicare se fossero conteggiati i costi ambientali, compreso il depauperamento e l'inquinamento delle falde acquifere, le emissioni di gas serra, lo spreco di combustibile fossile"


State of the World 1991
As the dust from the cold war settles, the battle to save the planet will replace the battle over ideology as the organizing theme of the new world order. During the twenty years since the first Earth Day in 1970, the earth lost tree cover over an area nearly as large as the United States east of the Mississippi River. Deserts claimed more land than is devoted to crops in China. Thousands of plant and animal species with which we shared the planet in 1970 no longer exist. The world's farmers lost as much topsoil as covers India's cropland. And more people joined the world's population than inhabited the planet in 1900.

Ah ecco.. mi pareva

The authors of State of the World 1991 conclude that partially replacing income taxes with environmental taxes is the key to quickly transforming our environmentally unsustainable global economy into one that is sustainable Such green taxes would add charges to the burning of fossil fuels, the use of non-recyclable materials, and the discharge of toxic wastes while generating income for environmentally sound development.

Che ti avevo detto?

Table of contents

Chapter 1: The New World Order (di Lester Brown

Two Views of the World
New Measures of Progress
What Food Indicators Say
Population: The Neglected Issue
A New Agenda, A New Order

Purtroppo il libro è a pagamento! Peccato, l'avrei letto volentieri


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