Re: Zecharia Sitchin: la teoria

Inviato da  sitchinite il 29/4/2010 14:23:28

Scientists working in Africa have discovered a Stone Age skull that could be a link between the extinct Homo erectus species and modern humans he face and cranium of the fossil have features found in both early and modern human species. The skull is believed to be between 250,000 and 500,000 years old. Researchers discovered the skull five weeks ago at Gawis in Ethiopia's northeastern Afar region.

se viene riconosciuto come link tra Erectus e Sapiens, é l' ennesima prova indiziaria...

Link tra Homo Erectus e Homo Sapiens, tra i 250mila e i 500mila anni fa, in centroafrica orientale...

E Sitchin colloca la creazione dell' Homo Sapiens nel centroest africano, circa 300mila anni fa

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