Re: Zecharia Sitchin: la teoria

Inviato da  sitchinite il 26/2/2010 10:30:33
News dalla Nasa:

A NASA comet probe's results show that inner-solar-system dust migrated out to to comet belt billions of years ago. The find paints a topsy-turvy picture of the early solar system.


The mission was expected to provide a unique window into the early solar system by returning a mix of solar system condensates, amorphous grains from the interstellar medium, and true stardust – crystalline grains originating in distant stars. Initial results, however, indicate that comet Wild 2 instead contains an abundance of high-temperature silicate and oxide minerals analogous to minerals in carbonaceous chondrites.

The data presented here suggest that high temperature inner solar system material formed, was subsequently transferred to the Kuiper Belt, and incorporated into comets several million years following (mineral) formation.

How this mixing took place is unclear, the scientists report, but the finding suggests a complicated transport of space dust took place after the solar system formed some 4.57 billion years ago

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