Re: Archeologia alternativa

Inviato da  sitchinite il 23/9/2010 21:11:53
Per la serie: le prove che stavate aspettando...

Nella località di san Isidro, in Perù, ritrovati due templi con 14 tombe, contenenti scheletri sepolti in un arco di tempo di circa 800 anni dalla costruzione dei templi... che risalgono a... 4000 ani fa...
La più antica testimonianza di civiltà 'organizzate' nell' america latina, se si esclude il vaso di Fuente Magna che mostrerebbe la presenza di sumeri (2800a.C. circa) in Bolivia.

Less than 10 minutes from the center of Jaén, a group of researchers supported by residents unearthered two temples, which according to early indications, belong to a culture that could be as much as 4000 years old and would have been the ancestors of the Bracamoros culture, who straddled the present-day Peru-Ecuador border.

At both temples some 14 tombs have been uncovered, including some containing the bones of infants and adolescents, who were placed as offerings at different times over 800 years of the building's use.


The team was surprised by the technique used to decorate the walls with different color mud, and because the 8 phases of construction were in perfect alignment.

Perhaps most astonishing is that the temples, according to Quirino, appear to have been built around 2000 BC& some 4000 years ago. This is the first discovery of its kind in the region, and the first from this period of time in any contact zone between the Andes and the Amazon.

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