Re: Nuovi indizi sulla Sindone

Inviato da  sitchinite il 25/4/2010 14:54:29
Miaccodo qui perchè non so se c' era già qualche thread che ne parla...
qualcuno di voi ha seguito la patetica vicenda di Luigi Garlaschelli e la sua 'seconda sindone'?

l' unico articolo che ho trovato finora di analisi di questa vicenda viene dal sito Sindonology:

l' analisi...

Here are the major differences of this reproduction compared to the Shroud of Turin:

* The anatomical details of the face and body do not have the precision of the Shroud.
* The 3D effect does not have the precision found on the Shroud. On the tentative reproduction there are many locations where no image appears whereas one is perceivable on the Shroud of Turin. This is due to the technique used: an image made by contact.
* The color of images of the reproduction has a red hue (images after washing red ocre) whereas on the Shroud of Turin it has a yellow-straw hue.
* No microphotographies of the reproduction are provided. They should show that the images are superficial like the Shroud of Turin. Based on the technique used to create these images, we can infer that the images are not superficial.

In summary, the tentative reproduction of Luigi Garlaschelli is very far from being a reproduction of the Shroud of Turin.

Che ne pensate?
Chiunque avesse altri links in merito me li segnala?
Grazie in anticipo.

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