Re: Quale lingua per l'Europa?

Inviato da  Linucs il 22/3/2006 15:15:03
Haskell is a wide-spectrum language, suitable for a variety of applications. It is particularly suitable for programs which need to be highly modifiable and maintainable.

Much of a software product's life is spent in specification, design and maintenance, and not in programming. Functional languages are superb for writing specifications which can actually be executed (and hence tested and debugged). Such a specification then is the first prototype of the final program.

Functional programs are also relatively easy to maintain, because the code is shorter, clearer, and the rigorous control of side effects eliminates a huge class of unforseen interactions.

A basic concept in Erlang/OTP is the supervision tree. This is a process structuring model based on the idea of workers and supervisors.

* Workers are processes which perform computations, that is, they do the actual work.
* Supervisors are processes which monitor the behaviour of workers. A supervisor can restart a worker if something goes wrong.
* The supervision tree is a hierarchical arrangement of code into supervisors and workers, making it possible to design and program fault-tolerant software.

We see that our commercial system is in a state of antagonism to this normal principle, or national law of industry and trade; and the most marked peculiarity of our history is found in the constant drain of the precious metals—the frequent mercantile failures, the severe money pressures, and consequent prostration of industry, and the violent and unjust transitions of property that succeed—notwithstanding the genius, intelligence, and unparalleled industry of the people. Nothing of this sort occurs to any comparative degree in any other country, and in some countries such events are wholly unknown.

(provo ad intavolare un dialogo stile Gollum...)

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