terremoto nel Midwest

Inviato da  apoc2007 il 9/7/2010 18:03:10
so che può essere solo suggestione o reiterarsi di ataviche paure, ma pubblico lo stesso questi due messaggi perché parlano di un forte terremoto che dovrebbe avvenire a breve nel Midwest:

1° messaggio:
John Leary message on earthquake in midwest
Friday, June 25, 2010
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a vision of much damage that will come in the middle of your country from a series of earthquakes and other man-made disasters. The construction equipment in the vision was to rebuild the roads so aid could be brought in to help people from the devastation. The sonic boom is to indicate the speed at which this earthquake will occur. The wavy lines in the clouds of the sky are a sign of the frequency patterns that the HAARP machine uses to create earthquakes. A series of harmonic frequencies are focused in an area until much shaking occurs with an earthquake. Right before an earthquake will start, you will see various colors in the sky as the microwaves of the HAARP machine will ionize the air giving these colors. Many of these man-made disasters are being brought down on America to cause death and destruction that could result in calling for martial law to establish order from any stealing. Be prepared for this destruction by having water, food, and fuel on hand because these things may be difficult to obtain when you see power outages from these events. Pray again for the people who will be suffering from this disaster, especially those who may die with souls unready to meet Me at their judgment.”

sito di John Leary:

2° messaggio:
Latest excerpts from Carol Ameche messages
From 7/5/10 10:45 p.m., at home:
"My dear one, please write. It is I, your God and Father. Believe I am speaking, and call you into deeper prayer and preparation. Our people will need time to recover, which will require several years after this huge loss of life and an earthquake in California that will follow the Midwest devastation, and completely change the shape and lifestyle of this country. You need to adapt a life of more prayer and quiet with your loved ones. Your own life will change forever almost immediately. You will be more convinced of My words, as you see these events begin, and the changes in your life.

The world will be at war as the Antichrist makes his appearance and unleashes his entire scheme for world domination. The loss of life will be enormous in these great quakes, and centers for people will shift drastically. My Church is about to collapse along with cities, and new scandals come to light. Your task will be obedience and dealing with each event filled with Our people, with new joys and personal sorrows every step of the way."

This is Jesus in 1999, 4/19 which seems so appropriate right now:
"Oh yes, you will see frightening things! You will continue to be tempted and deluded and distracted by the evil one, but I WILL FORGIVE you everything you bring to Me in remorse and repentance, This is so important for you to believe, to live by and to hope for. People, I weep tonight over the earth, as I did over Jerusalem. I weep for those who will not listen, and choose to remain in a life of sin. I weep for those who allow pride and personal criteria to get in the way of the Light that would, first of all, heal their blindness.
I weep for the little ones who are abused and left to wander in fear and confusion. And I weep for you, My people, who refuse to see, refuse to hear, refuse to accept My love and mercy, who now must experience My Father's justice. Your behavior cannot reflect the world and Me at the same time!"
And now, to repeat from 7 -6-10:
Please, let's all attend the Sacrament of Reconciliation again, as soon as possible. Carol

God, the Father: "Communication will be interrupted along the way. The world will change totally now and be at war. Know that I count on all of you to advise and lead Our faithful. You know I am always sustaining the life force and grace within all of you, and allowing you to suffer to grow in strength, to lead and encourage and explain to My people. Reconciliation will become a theme for the lives of all, as well as patience and kindness and a sincere caring for the needs of others physically and spiritually. My Son is with you with the Holy Mother, and the prayers and nearness of Our Saints and Angels. Do not fear anyone, or attacks from others. I, Myself, am protecting you and allowing all these facts and events to unfold.

"Expect these events immediately and remain focused on My Will and direction in your life. The New Era will begin with My people returning to a renewed earth, and a time of beauty and peace and purity. You have done all I ever asked of you, and have become who I have called and prepared and blessed and gifted you to be. Rejoice, daughter!"

sito di Carol Ameche:

Messaggio orinale: https://old.luogocomune.net/site/newbb/viewtopic.php?forum=47&topic_id=3756&post_id=170699